Hello readers, and happy Monday! I'm feeling quite optimistic today for a productive week ahead- last week was distinctively unproductive and I spent most of it watching crap TV shows and feeling tired, however this weekend has been really gratifying in terms of the work I've done and the prep I've done for the week ahead. I have even written this blog post ahead of time... wahey! So today I thought I would write a post I have been thinking about for a while... I want to talk about my first semester of university, but since these last few months have been... indescribable to say the least, I thought I would describe my first semester purely in GIF form. I hope you guys enjoy it :) On the first day of Freshers' Week you feel like you're going on the biggest adventure of your life... ... But by the second week (if you're lucky) the biggest adventure feels like leaving campus before midday... ... After a few shots with your friends you not only feel like Beyonce, but somehow you think you can dance like her too. You are wrong. Heading off to your first ever lecture, you feel like a baby toddling around campus among all the adults.
The worst thing that can happen during Freshers' Week is someone making toast in the kitchen at 4am... And setting the fire alarm off. The biggest struggle is deciding whether to get up at 9am for a cooked breakfast or sleeping off your hangover... You'll sit in the majority of your lectures with a face like this... And when someone texts you about the essay due for the next day you had no idea about, your face is like this... You feel like you have found the best friends in the whole wide world, who are friendly and hilarious and so so supportive and encouraging of everything you do... ... But at the end of the day, all the encouragement only leads to bad decisions (mainly involving tequila)...
But by Christmas, you feel pride in the fact that you have officially survived your first semester, and your family have never seemed so freakin' wonderful.
Hey readers, and happy Thursday! Rajshahi best IT Today I am very excited to be part of another blog tour (I know - two in one week!) - this time celebrating...
Hey readers, and happy Thursday! Rajshahi best IT Today I am very excited to be part of another blog tour (I know - two in one week!) - this time celebrating...