If you have been reading this book for a while you will know that Sara is the person who really got me into blogging (read the story here!) so when I was offered by the lovely Faye to send me the first two books in her new series for kids, I couldn't pass up the opportunity. Half Lives and Dark Parties are two of my favourite YA books and I couldn't wait to read Mystery At The Ice Hotel!
Sara Grant was born and raised in the Midwestern United States. She has worked as an editor and is also the author of a number of books for young readers and teens. She lives in London and writes full-time. Check her out at Sara-grant.com!
Intrigued? Check out the blurb here...
After surviving a kidnapping attempt in the Maldives, Chase and Mackenzie are off to the Ice Hotel in Iceland! What could go wrong there? But as soon as they arrive, accidents start to occur that seem targeted to scare - or worse, seriously hurt - the guests. When a body shows up frozen in an ice bed, it's up to the two girls to figure out who is behind the attacks ...before anyone else gets hurt!

It was great to discover that the mystery began with a body (like any good mystery) and I found myself enjoying this book more than any adult mystery book I have read in a while! With this series Grant has proved that she can write a successful whodunnit for kids that still appeals to adults - the writing is energetic and has a whole lot of heart, and I cannot wait to read more of Grant's books - I need more Chase and Mackenzie please!
Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mystery-Ice-Hotel-Chasing-Danger/dp/1407163302
Check Sara Grant out here: http://sara-grant.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/AuthorSaraGrant
Make sure you check out the other stops on the blog tour!
Until next time :)
Los paseos en camello al atardecer y al tours desde españa a marruecos amanecer ofrecen vistas espectaculares y momentos inolvidables mientras se disfruta de la serenidad del desierto.