That’s right, you guessed it, it is Waiting For Callback: Take Two by the lovely Perdita and Honor Cargill – superstar mother/daughter writing duo who are two of the most wonderful people (and YA writers) out there!
Waiting For Callback, their debut novel, was one of my favourite reads of last year (it won the Funniest Book prize in the DBR Awards) and once I had finished it I was desperate to get my hands on the sequel. Luckily, the wonderful people at Simon & Schuster sent me a proof copy and, in the midst of essay writing and exam revision (sorry Mum!) I dived straight in…
Waiting For Callback: Take Two follows teenager Elektra James as she transforms from aspiring actress to, well, a REAL LIFE actress, as she lands the lead role in a blockbuster film - Slater. The drama this brings is coupled with tension with her almost-boyfriend Archie, as he relocates to Transylvania to play a vampire hunter surrounded by countless beautifully tragic women, commotion with her co-stars and squabbling with her parents, who always know best. The question is, is it truly possible for Elektra to realise her Hollywood dream? Or will everything come crashing down at her feet?
Intrigued? Check out the blurb here…
Elektra has finally landed a part in a film. It's the dream. Well ...until she works out that Straker is a movie so dystopian that within weeks most of the cast and all of the crew wish that the world had actually ended (preferably in scene one). And while it's obviously great news that she's moved from the friend-zone with Archie to become his almost-girlfriend, it would be better if he hadn't immediately relocated to Transylvania to play a vampire hunter surrounded by 'maidens of peerless beauty'.
Full of humour and warmth, this new series is perfect for fans of Geek Girl and The It Girl.

I rated Waiting For Callback 5*s, and didn’t think Perdita and Honor could do any better. Waiting For Callback made me laugh, made me cry, made me cringe (quite a lot), but above all, it was a book that put me in an amazing mood and I never wanted to put it down. However, the Cargills have surpassed any expectations I had for Take Two. I would rate this book ten stars if I could!
Take Two continues the story of the first book amazingly well, and I loved that we got to learn about Elektra so much more, and see her progress from a young girl who dreamed about becoming an actress, to achieving the starring role in a feature film. I think Elektra is such a great role model for young girls and her inspiring qualities of determination and perseverance (even in the face of total cringeworthy moments that make me want to jump in a hole) are wonderful to see in a YA character. Elektra is so relatable and I loved learning more about her in Take Two.

However, despite the side-splitting moments in Take Two, there are some things I absolutely cannot forgive Perdita and Honor for. The emotional distress I experienced, in relation to an incident involving ONE OF MY FAVOURITE CHARACTERS was unbelievable. You know what I’m talking about…

So, as you can probably tell, I ADORED Waiting For Callback: Take Two, and I think you should all run weirdly like Elektra (hands flapping and everything) to your nearest bookshop and pick up a copy!!!
Buy Waiting For Callback: Take Two here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Waiting-Callback-Take-Perdita-Cargill/dp/1471144852/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1485614798&sr=1-1&keywords=waiting+for+callback+take+two
Check out Perdita and Honor here: http://www.dhhliteraryagency.com/perdita-and-honour-cargill.html
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