Today I've got a really exciting author interview to share with you- below is my interview with Dave Rudden, author of the amazing new MG (middle grade) book Knights of the Borrowed Dark! As soon as I received the press release for this book I knew it was something I'd have to try and I am now the lucky owner of an advanced proof copy (review will be coming soon people!)

Intrigued? Check out the blurb here...
Denizen Hardwick is an orphan, and his life is, well, normal. Sure, in storybooks orphans are rescued from drudgery when they discover they are a wizard or a warrior or a prophesied king. But this is real life—orphans are just kids without parents. At least that’s what Denizen thought. . . .
On a particularly dark night, the gates of Crosscaper Orphanage open to a car that almost growls with power. The car and the man in it retrieve Denizen with the promise of introducing him to a long-lost aunt. But on the ride into the city, they are attacked. Denizen soon learns that monsters can grow out of the shadows. And there is an ancient order of knights who keep them at bay. Denizen has a unique connection to these knights, but everything they tell him feels like a half-truth. If Denizen joins the order, is he fulfilling his destiny, or turning his back on everything his family did to keep him alive?
Doesn't that sound amazing?! I was so excited to get the opportunity to interview Dave Rudden, to find out more about the inspiration behind the book, the main character Denzien Hardwick, and what Dave Rudden loved to read as a kid...
What is the inspiration behind Knights of the Borrowed Dark?
The inspiration for Knights of the Borrowed Dark came from lots of places. Firstly, I’m fascinated by the question am I brave? I’ve read books and seen films where the protagonist never experiences self-doubt or worry, where for them bravery is automatic. I don’t think that’s true for most kids. I think bravery is a choice, and I wanted to make Denizen Hardwick shy, and self-conscious, and real, and see will he do the right thing despite all that.
The Knights of the Borrowed Dark wield magic as powerful and volatile as the heart of a sun. This power comes with a Cost, slowly turning its user to iron. I wanted magic, like bravery, to leave a mark, because what makes a Knight is the fact they still choose to stand and fight.
I love villains, and while I do like those who are clever and noble and almost admirable in the scale of their evil, I wanted to explore something different. The Clockwork Three are cruel and they’re petty and they’re small. They make things personal. They twist the knife. They’re bullies, essentially.

Tell us a bit more about the hero, Denizen Hardwick. Do you have anything in common with him?
Aside from the hair? Denizen is a bookworm, like me, and like me grew up reading books about prophecies and destiny and knowing that were he in this situation, he’d find it all extremely stressful. If Denizen were to offered magical powers, he’d ask for the magical power of not being offered magical powers. Children who get magical powers are soon put in the position of having to use them.
He’s a sceptic. He is overly fond of sarcasm. And there is a tiny part of him that wants a destiny to show up, to see would he actually be able to fulfill it.
What did you like to read as a kid?
I was (and am) a huge Harry Potter fan, and I loved the Lemony Snicket books, the Tamora Pierce books, and writers like Christopher Pike and R.L. Stine. I loved books that didn’t talk down to kids, that trusted my ability to understand complex words and complex themes.
My all-time favourite writer is Terry Pratchett. I read a Discworld book at least once a month and it’s like coming home to an old friend.
Do you have plans to keep on writing? Are you working on any other projects at the minute?
I’m currently working on the third book in the Knights of the Borrowed Dark trilogy, and I love dipping into short fiction and screen-writing. And yes, I plan to write forever.
Sum up Knights of the Borrowed Dark in three words.
Iron and fire…
Thank you so much, Dave, for appearing on my blog and answering my questions!
Check out Dave Rudden here:
Check out Knights of the Borrowed Dark here:
Until next time :)
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