The first thing you need to think about is, what kind of atmosphere or meaning you are trying to get out of your story. In this sense, the setting is pivotal. If you're trying to write a horror story, and the main setting is a fluffy pink land of marshmallows, the atmosphere vital to a horror story will definitely be lacking. Setting shouldn't be a separate entity from your novel writing. It should be interwoven in every decision you make: your choice of characters, the plot twists, who speaks and the mood you are aiming to create. At the end of the day, every reader will interpret your work differently, so there's no use worrying endlessly that your setting isn't quite right. Start writing, and the place where the action occurs will sort of spring up, as if it had been there all along. In writing, what comes naturally is normally what the readers will love best.

Finally, the most important thing to remember about setting is that consistency is key. If you don't know your setting that well, you will find yourself getting confused about what it is exactly that you are writing about. The key thing here is to not overcomplicate things. When I'm writing, I tend to limit myself to a few essential places: a café, a school, a church, a park ect... Just so your readers won't become confused by the sheer amount of places you are introducing them to. Remember, your setting is not the main ingredient of your story. It is the vanilla essence (if you will excuse the clichéd metaphor) in a cake made up of various different ingredients, mixed together to make it great. Your readers are analysing your words, not your setting.

I hope you have enjoyed this little post, and please do comment below if this was helpful in any way. Not everyone knows everything, so if you feel as if I have missed out on something important please tell me- you might help somebody else (and myself) in the process!
Until next time :)
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