But nonetheless, let's crack on with an AUTHOR INTERVIEW! And today, the lovely lady on my hot seat is none other than Sara Grant, author of Half Lives and Dark Parties (two of my favourite teen books of all time!). I met Sara last year at Andy Robb's book launch event, and then she kindly invited me to hers, which was just one of the most swishy events I have been to! Sara also introduced me to the amazing Nina Douglas, which led to me getting involved with Fierce Fiction blogging and reviewing- so if you think about it, I have Sara to thank for all of these exciting things that have happened :)
I caught up with Sara about her three top tips for aspiring writers, nuclear power and why she decides to write futuristic tales...
When did you first start writing? Did you always have dreams of becoming a writer?
I always wanted to be a writer. I remember writing my first proper story
when I was eight years old. This was the first story I wrote just for the fun
of it. It was called ‘A Dream I Wish Was True’. In the story, I got to meet my favourite
movie star. I wrote with pencil on lined paper and tied the sheets together
with three pieces of string. It even had a dedication. After that I was hooked.
I’ve been writing stories ever since.
What was your favourite book as a child/teenager?
The first books I remember reading
were The Boxcar Children and The Secret Garden. I read these books
over and over and over again.
How do you find inspiration to write a book?

Your writing for children (your Magic Trix series)
and your teenage books (Half Lives and Dark Parties) are written in two
incredibly different styles of writing. Do you find it easy or difficult to
switch between your two styles and, if difficult, in what ways do you combat
I fully immerse myself in the
characters, setting and drama of each story. Once I really know the story, it’s
easy to slip back into the skin of my main characters – be they a ten-year-old
fairy godmother in training or a rebel teenager fighting to overthrow an
oppressive government. I try to only work on one book or series each day. If I
need to switch between stories, I will usually re-read part of the story and maybe
even play music that inspired the story as a way to ramp up to writing,
revising or editing.
As a full-time writer, what is your daily schedule
The great thing about writing full
time is that no two days are exactly alike. I am a morning person so I tend to
wake up and get writing. I am a list maker and goal setter so I typically outline
what I want to accomplish each day. I try to make my writing goal come first. I
often spend some portion of my day either giving or organizing events – from
writing workshops for adults to school or library visits for my teen or younger
I also like to have some
collaborative work. I work behind the scenes as a plot editor on a series of teen
books. I am a guest lecturer on writing for young readers at Winchester
University. I work with three friends who are also writers and editors on Book
Bound – www.bookboundretreat.com
– offering writing courses for adult writers. I also help edit and produce Undiscovered Voices – www.undiscoveredvoices.com – an anthology that highlights up-and-coming
writers and illustrators. And I like to host events and activities with other
writers through The Edge – edgeauthors.blogspot.co.uk – eight, UK-based writers
who write edgy teen fiction.
Dark Parties and Half Lives are both based in the
future, and describe an apocalyptic society in which your characters fight for
survival. Do you think the future is something we should embrace or be fearful
Definitely embrace. I
still find it amazing that I’m drawn to write dystopian novels. I’m the biggest
optimist. I believe the best in people and have great hope for the future of
the planet and humankind.
My novels are not prophecies. I don’t write about the future
I think will happen. I write futuristic tales because I love the freedom – not
only the freedom to imagine the future and make the rules, but also the freedom
that I can afford my teen protagonist. Dystopian stories allow writers to rid
teen protagonist of pesky parents, mobile phones and the internet, which make
answers and rescue come far too swiftly – and boringly.
dystopian novels allow readers and writers the freedom to explore themes in a
way most contemporary teen fiction can’t. You can illuminate a particular
aspect of society or human nature and whittle away the parts of the real world
that don’t serve your story.
As Half Lives seems to warn us, do you think world
governments should be more careful of how they use nuclear power?

If you were stuck in an underground bunker like
Icie, what three items and what three people would you take down with you?
This is a very difficult one.
I’m assuming you mean items other
than ones vital for survival, such as food, water and flashlight. I would have
to take a HUGE notebook and a gazillion pencils because I’d definitely need to
write. I also would pack a photo album chocked full of pictures of my family
and friends.
I would take my husband and my two
cats along with me too. But it might be fun to take one of my favourite movie
stars – such as Kevin Spacey – or my favourite singer – someone like James
Taylor. Or a great storyteller like Libba Bray. They would provide endless
What advice would you give to aspiring young
Write! As simple as it sounds, to be a writer you have to write and
finish a story. I know so many amazing writers who have loads of great ideas
but don’t find the time to write or never finish a story. Write what you love
to read but also experiment with your writing.
Read! Read anything and everything. Read the classics, the current
bestsellers and everything in between. Everything you need to know about
writing can be found by reading and analysing great fiction past and present.
Never Give Up! Believe
in your work and never stop learning and improving, writing, rewriting. Writers
must learn how to deal with rejection. J.K. Rowling was rejected numerous times
before Harry Potter found a publisher. You need to be able to pick yourself up,
learn from your mistakes and keep improving.
How do you think books can change the world?
To change the world, first you need
to know how and why it needs to change. Books are a safe place to explore. The
best books make you see the world differently. Through books we can gain
insights, empathy and understanding. I love a book that begs to be discussed. I
also think books can demonstrate that one person can make a difference. We not
only have to see the change but have the courage to act – books can provide
inspiration for both.
I'd like to thank Sara Grant MILLIONS for agreeing to be interviewed and spending so much time and thought on answering my questions :)
If you would like to see my signed copies of Half Lives and Dark Parties, click here.
Thank you very much for reading, and be sure to check Sara Grant and all her magical books out!
Until next time :)
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