And because I loved the book so much, I am super excited to be part of this blog tour! After reading the book and discovering the back stories to the girls and how very awesome they are, I wanted to find out more about them, and why they make it their mission to inpire teens all over the UK, all whilst spreading the message that it is more than okay to completely be yourself!
What made you guys want to write the book?
We love meeting teens in schools and troubleshooting at the end of a workshop. But 10mins at the end of class is never enough. Having something to carry around with you and refer back to can be so useful. This way we can reach more teens in a really effective way.
We love meeting teens in schools and troubleshooting at the end of a workshop. But 10mins at the end of class is never enough. Having something to carry around with you and refer back to can be so useful. This way we can reach more teens in a really effective way.
What is the one thing you wish you could have told yourself as a teenager?
You're doing better than you think. There's
so much pressure to get great grades, have everything worked out, have
millions of snapchat followers and look amazing whilst you take on the
world. The truth is, everyone's just doing
their best and you are doing much better than you think.
How much support do you think is out there for teenagers who are battling with issues?

If you all ran the country for the day, what three things would you do?
Nadz - Revolutionise the education system, our #LetterstoDave campaign is the start of that. 365 letters (one for
every day of the year) arriving in David Cameron's letterbox urging him
to take the mental health of our teens seriously,
with solutions about how's best to do that.
Tash - Make Sir Ken Robinson Education Secretary.
Grace - Give every teen a copy of SDWTFs
What was your favourite thing about writing the book?
We were able to spend a lot of time with
each other, really getting to the nitty gritty of each topic. Learning
the story behind certain things that we didn't know before was great, I
recommend writing a book to help any friendship
grow! Ha!
What one message would you want young people to take from the book?
I guess the real message is that there is no
definitive answer to anything. Across most of the chapters there are at
least two, most of the time three, different angles to come at any
given conundrum from. Understanding that if your
focus is finding the RIGHT answer or the RIGHT path you may be
restricting or inhibiting yourself is important. Knowing there's plenty
of ways to skin a cat takes the pressure off and I really hope our book
is testament to that. We're such different people,
we've had wildly different journeys and we're all (if I do say so
myself) pretty content, living the kinds of lives we want to live. No
magic potion, no quick fix having just fathomed our way through.
Thanks so much for taking the time to answer my questions, guys! As you can see, these three girls are INCREDIBLY AWESOME and I recommend all of you to check out The Self Esteem Team's Guide to Sex, Drugs and WTFS?!! for all the answers you might need to questions about life as a teen.
Check out the rest of the spots on the blog tour!
Buy The Self Esteem Team's Guide to Sex, Drugs and WTFS?!! here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Self-Esteem-Teams-Guide-Drugs-WTFs/dp/1784186422
Check out the Self Esteem Team's website here: http://www.selfesteemteam.org
Until next time :)