
Sunday, 1 July 2018

BLOG TOUR | 'One' by Jennifer L. Cahill | Why I Write or Why I Wrote/Wanted to Write One?

Hey guys, and happy Sunday! Today I am excited to be part of a blog tour to celebrate the publication of One, a book all about friendship, love, and finding yourself as being a small fish in a very large pond. I am thrilled to have Jennifer L. Cahill on my blog today to talk all things writing inspiration, but before that, check out the blurb here...

It's London in the mid-noughties before Facebook, iPhones and ubiquitous wifi, and One? follows the highs and lows of a group of twenty-somethings living in leafy SW4.

Zara has just moved to London for her first real job and struggles to find her feet in a big city with no instruction manual.

Penelope works night and day in an investment bank with little or no time for love. At 28 she is positively ancient as far as her mother is concerned and the pressure is on for her to settle down as the big 3-0 is looming.

Charlie spends night and day with his band who are constantly teetering on the verge of greatness.

Richard has relocated to London from his castle in Scotland in search of the one, and Alyx is barely in one place long enough to hold down a relationship let alone think about the future.

So without any further ado, here is Jennifer with how she finds inspiration for her writing, and more importantly, why she wanted to write One...

I feel like I have to write, it’s like breathing for me. I’ve always written, and I do a lot of writing in my day job which is helping big companies manage change and transformation.  A key part of this is change communications and articulating the change journey, which can often be very complex and sometimes unchartered territory. 

I was inspired to write One? primarily to entertain and help my readers learn a little about the most complex journey that we all embark on….finding that one perfect partner. I think that the traditional models of relationships need to be addressed as the world around us is changing at such a fast pace. The roles of women, and men are changing along with it, and we are all navigating these changes. 

I didn’t plan the book in advance, inspiration struck and it came tumbling out of me like an unstoppable torrent. I really love the writing process, and as soon as I started writing the book it felt like life turned into an adventure. All of a sudden everything was potentially inspiration, it added an extra dimension to my life. I love the creative process and how inspiration can strike at any moment.  

 I love nothing better than delving into somebody else’s world in a good book, and if I can do that for my readers, I’ll be very happy indeed. 

Thank you so much, Jennifer, for appearing on my blog! 

Make sure you guys check out the rest of the books on the blog tour <3

Buy One here:

Check out Jennifer L. Cahill here:

Until next time :)

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